Call for Nominations: Standing Committees of the Global Fund Board

The Global Fund has announced the call for nominations for the roles of Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Members of the Standing Committees of the Board for a term of two years (which may be extended to 3 years) commencing May 2022 as follows:

Implementer Group Constituencies : Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, Vice-Chair of the Ethics and Governance Committee, and Vice-Chair of the Strategy Committee. 

Committee Members : Multiple qualified candidates for all three Standing Committees, including a prioritized list of candidates and committees on which they prefer each to serve.

As strong committee leadership and members are crucial in support of a strategic Board and hence the Global Fund has emphasized the need for a broad, highly-qualified and diverse candidate pool and all constituencies are requested to submit more and multiple qualified nominations, with particular attention to gender.

In this regard we request your CCMs to send your nomination for all three committees to the SEA Leadership latest by 31 December 2021 at with the following required documents:

a.            Nomination Form b. Curriculum Vitae c. Concise Professional Biography d. Concise Motivation Letter written by the candidate, confirming willingness, availability and, in the case of Chairs and Vice-Chairs, support necessary to serve. e. For Committee Membership, a prioritized list of candidates and committees on which they prefer to serve.

Please find below the proposed timelines:

CCMs to submit nomination to SEA Leadership.The candidate should fulfill the required skills set and experience in line with the mandate of the committee and requirements defined in Tables 5 (leadership) or 3A, 3B (membership) of the BCOP and Experience with the Global Fund.While nominating the candidate CCM can also keep note that the candidate will act as role models of the Code of Conduct for Governance Officials and Global Funds values and mission, a Guidance Note is attached for reference.Serving on a Committee is a significant undertaking. Candidates must have sufficient time to fully commit to these important governance roles (20-25% for members, 25-35% for leaders), and commitment to perform the responsibilities with full engagement.31 December 2021
SEA Leadership to appoint members of the Selection Committee from those non participating countries to review the nominations received, conduct due diligence and propose suitable candidates.1 Jan 2021 – 6 Jan 2021
SEA Constituency to send Affirmative Votes on the candidates proposed by the Selection Committee.6 Jan – 12 Jan 2021
CFP to submit to the Global Fund13 Jan 2021

Please refer to the attached Information Note which outlines the process and provides key guidance while submitting your nominations and all supporting information are available on the links.